Nikola Tesla And Reality

 Not only did he help design the AC power supply system, but nearly 100 years ago, inventor Nikola Tesla also "prophesied" the existence of today's smartphones. Specifically, in a conversation with John B. Kennedy in 1926, Tesla predicted that:

“When wireless connectivity is applied perfectly, the whole Earth will be turned into a giant brain and in fact everything will be small particles working in harmony in a unified whole. . We will be able to communicate with others instantly regardless of distance. Not only that, but through television and phones, we will be able to see and hear each other perfectly as if we were face to face, even if we were thousands of miles apart. And the devices we used then would be surprisingly simple compared to the phones we have today. A man might even put one in his pocket to take with him.”

What he describes compared to today's smartphones is exactly the same. Doesn't that surprise people? Tesla isn't even a prophet? But again, if he had this on his planet, and he had seen and used such a smartphone before, it would be very easy for him to describe it. describe it correctly.

In addition, Tesla also invented the anti-gravity aircraft. The so-called anti-gravity is not difficult to understand, imagine you grab your own head and fly up - you are anti-gravity. In 1911, Tesla announced that the plane he was building did not need propellers or wings, could remain completely still in the air, and could fly relatively smoothly even in windy environments.

This sounds a bit like a UFO, and it seems to prove that Tesla is indeed an alien. So has Tesla's "anti-gravity plane" been successfully researched and manufactured?
